
Informed decisions thanks to our real estate expertise

Since 1995, ChatelainXpert has been carrying out real estate appraisals of residential, commercial, logistics and office properties throughout Belgium.

Are you a professional? We work for more than twenty financial organizations (banks, insurance companies and lending institutions), for the tax authorities (preliminary appraisals and audits) and for accountants, auditors, tax specialists and notaries.

Are you a company or an individual? The real estate market is constantly changing, which is why our multi-disciplinary team of real estate experts can guide you in making intelligent, accurate decisions on the value, opportunities and specific features of a property (purchase, sale, asset valuation, separation, inheritance, etc.).

Our expertise meets RICS and EVS requirements

Need an appraisal for a professional or private property?

Since 1995, ChatelainXpert has established itself as the specialist in real estate appraisals in Belgium, covering residential, commercial, industrial and office properties. We are the partner of choice for over twenty financial institutions, tax authorities and financial sector professionals.

Real estate is constantly evolving. Our team of multi-skilled experts will guide you in making informed decisions about the value, opportunities and particularities of any property, whether for purchase, sale, asset valuation or inheritance issues.

All our appraisals comply with RICS and TeGOVA standards.

Do you have any questions? Need our services? Fill in our "valuation request" form and we'll get back to you within 24 working hours.

Legal expertise

Forensic real estate appraisal plays a crucial role in disputes and legal proceedings involving real estate. Specialized forensic experts provide accurate valuations, technical analyses and detailed reports to support judicial decisions.

Banking expertise

Banking expertise in real estate is essential when obtaining a mortgage.

Experts assess the value of the property, its suitability for the loan amount requested, and analyze the risks associated with the investment. Their assessment enables banks to make informed lending decisions, ensuring that the interests of both borrowers and lenders are protected.

It's important to note that not all banks in Belgium cover all regions, so it's best to look for banking establishments present in the specific region where the property purchase is envisaged.

Prior appraisal

Before putting a property up for sale, a preliminary valuation is essential.

Experts assess the market value, analyze the property's characteristics and its environment. They provide recommendations to maximize its value, enabling sellers to set a fair price and buyers to make informed decisions.

ChatelainXpert: Trust in real estate expertise, ensuring your peace of mind and the success of your transactions.

Receipt of request 1
Appointment made within 24 working hours 2
On-site visit 3
Drafting and dispatch of the interim report 4
Possible modifications or amendments 5
Report transmission 6

Interested in our services?

Request a non-binding quotation

Contact us

One file, many possibilities

Recognized by some twenty financial institutions (banks, loan organizations, insurance companies, etc.), our real estate appraisals comply with the requirements of the main Belgian players. One file, several steps. Contact the one that meets your needs.

Property valuation
Energy projection
Letting permit

A votre demande, les photos pourront vous être envoyées via wetransfer au vu de la taille importante du fichier.

Après avoir constitué votre dossier reprenant l’ensemble de vos coordonnées personnelles, un RV vous sera proposé. La date ainsi que l’heure précise vous seront confirmées par mail directement.

Les rapports d’expertise sont généralement à charge de la personne qui introduit une demande de crédit à la banque. Certaines banques ou courtiers peuvent cependant en charge le montant des honoraires. Il sera clairement spécifié par écrit qui prend en charge l’expertise immobilière, afin d’éviter tout malentendu. Il est à savoir que, sauf arrangement contraire, seule le destinataire de la facture recevra le rapport d’expertise et en sera propriétaire.

Même si cela est fortement conseillé (afin de pouvoir récolter un maximum d’informations sur le bien), il n’est cependant pas nécessaire que la personne qui a commandé l’expertise soit présente. Par contre, il est impératif que nous puissions avoir accès au bâtiment dans son entièreté.

L’expert se rend directement au lieu de l’expertise et procède à la visite des lieux. Il procède à ses constations, consulte les documents demandés préalablement et récolté le maximum d’informations utiles à la réalisation de la mission. Après avoir consulté sa documentation (point de comparaison, situation urbanistique, plan de secteur…), l’expert rédige le rapport d’expertise complet qui vous sera transmis par mail après validation d’un rapport provisoire envoyé préalablement.